Explore Fayoum .. Where History Meets Nature

27 April 2023

Experience Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Fayoum

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Lake Qarun (Lake Moeris ) Fayoum

Lake Moeris is an ancient lake, nowadays Known as Lake Qarun, in the northwest of the Faiyum Oasis, 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Cairo, Egypt. It persists in modern times as a smaller lake called Birket Qarun. The lake's surface is 140 ft (43 m) below sea-level, and covers about 78 square miles (200 km2). The Lake is in the Fayoum Province, 40 km in length, 5.7 km in width and 34 to 43 m below sea level with a mean depth of 4.2 m. Groundwater appears to be continuously seeping from a number of sub-surface springs at the lake bottom. A gently sloping sand-plain extends from the lakeshore northwards and upwards to reach sea level at 7 km north of the shoreline. Lake Moeris was freshwater in prehistory. In 2300 BC, the waterway from the Nile to the natural lake was widened and deepened to make a canal which is now known as the Bahr Yussef. This canal fed into the lake. This was meant to serve three purposes: control the flooding of the Nile, regulate the water level of the Nile during dry seasons, and serve the surrounding area with irrigation. There is evidence of ancient Egyptian pharaohs of the twelfth dynasty using the natural lake of Faiyum as a reservoir to store surpluses of water for use during the dry periods. 

The Qarun Lake today, 45 meters below sea level, has a surface area of 214 square kilometers. It has a maximum depth of just over 8 meters (west of Golden Horn Island) and a volume of 800 million cubic meters. It is 42 kilometers long and 9 kilometers wide at its broadest point. About 370 million cubic meters of drainage water reach the lake annually, and as the lake level now stays fairly constant and there are no known outlets, this figure is also taken as the annual rate of evaporation. If follows that, if the water supply to the lake were cut off, it would dry up in two years. The high rate of evaporation has led to a concentration of salts, the lake is now as saline as the seawater, with a ratio of around 34.5 parts per thousand, said to be growing at the rate of 0.4 parts per year. For comparison, sea water ranges between 34 and 37 per thousand, while Jordans Dead Sea has between 300 and 330 per thousand. The water is less salty in the East and the South of the lake, where the two main canals bring in fresh water.

The Golden Horn Island Fayoum in Lake Qaroun

The Golden Horn Island of the Lake Qarun has been declared as a core of the protected areas. The island is in the middle of the lake, about five kilometers from the shore. The island has a long sandy beach. Being acceptably protected from predators, the island is a haven for breeding seabirds, and is a resting and feeding post for winter visitors and passage migrants.

The Island is known for its globally significant breeding population of splender-billed Gull. Accordingly, visits to the island are not permitted during the breeding season, between April and August. The island, along withal of Lake Qarun has been classified as an "Important Bird Area” by Bird Life International and similarly renowned environmental organizations.

Large numbers of wading birds, shorebirds, waterfowl, and other water birds both resident and migratory are attracted to these areas. The mud flats are important habitat for a variety of birds and breeding areas for commercially important fishes and crustacean. The shelter areas, reed beds and mudflats areas in Fayoum include:
• The eastern and southeastern tips of the Lake Qarun 
• The area of Raas Abu Neema and Botnet Hafez in the south middle section of Lake Qarun 
• The shallow areas and reed beds of Wadi El Rayan, south of the lower and upper lakes 
• The sheltered areas and salt pans of the north shore of Lake Quarun especially on the western tip of the lake at Um Zalat.


Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

The "Golden Horn Island" located in the western part of Lake Qarun in Fayoum Governorate. An island that is considered a center for the gathering of migratory birds, but it has resident birds such as: mountain or wild pigeons, and hook bird. Also, seven skeletons of whales, and fossils of vertebrate animals had been found. Based on what was revealed by the excavations of the Egyptian archaeological mission in 1909 AD, it can be said that the first human settled on this island since prehistoric times, passing through the Pharaonic, Greco-Roman and even Islamic eras, where traces were found that included fishing tools, knitting, ornaments, primitive caves, and coins and parts of dishes bearing the name of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Zafar, necklaces of precious stones, and others.

It is one of the most important gathering spots for seagulls in the world, and is considered one of the most important geological, environmental and tourist sites. It is also included in the lists of the Masar Agreement as an important site for birds, as through it, the movement and evolution of birds are studied.

including Bedwin Tea and Sand boarding also we can prepare Breakfast or Lunch optional 

For Reservation and Booking Contact us 

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

Golden Horn Island in Lake Qaroun Tour

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