On the rounded top the winged solar disk is represented with two hanging uraei, one of them wearing the white crown while the other wears the red crown. Each of them holds the wind sign and the wAs scepter offering them to the ba bird with human head , standing upon the sign of with a anx-sign in front of it.
Under the winged sun disk a row of figures are represented divided in two at the middle by two back to back figures of the god Sokar. On the right the deceased is led by the god Horus towards the gods Ptah, Nefertum, Sekhmet and Sokar, while the goddess Imentet with the usual symbol above the head, stands behind the deceased with behind her the jackal-headed god Anubis. The left scene is similar to that on the right. But here the gods towards whom the deceased is led are Amon, Horus, Tatenen and the falconheaded god Sokar. A damaged figure of a goddess stands behind the deceased.
Djehuty stela has a fairly unusual style: the head of the deceased is showing a Greco-Roman style in the curls of the hair and the garland surrounding it; and also in the features of the face is depicted as if coming out from the top of the round-top of the stela.
This round-topped stela of black granite measuring 99 cm in height and 53 cm in width.
Source:Abdel-Raḥman Ali Abdel-Raḥman Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University
The Djehuty stela is typically Ancient Egyptian because it shows Djehuty making offerings to Egyptian gods and goddesses. But it’s also unusual because this Egyptian scene also features Djehuty’s Roman-style head carved on top.
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